FAQs for Teachers
Educate your students about energy efficiency with M.O.R.E., a program available at no cost to you, your district, or your students, thanks to the generosity of your local utility. Written for teachers by teachers, this program is easy to implement, while supporting the global expectations of the STEM disciplines. Start exploring this site for answers to frequently asked questions, an abundance of energy efficiency and conservation tips, and kit installation instructions.
Participation requirements are minimal. In return for your participation in the program we ask only that your students complete the Installation Survey. You will collect these surveys from students and mail them back to the program center in the provided self-addressed postage-paid return envelope. Surveys help your sponsoring utility gauge program effectiveness through installation rates and resulting energy savings.
Participation requirements are minimal. In return for your participation in the program we ask only that your students complete a short Student Survey regarding kit items installation and a home-audit. You will collect these surveys and audits from students and mail them back to the program center in the provided self-addressed postage-paid return envelope. Surveys help your sponsoring utility gauge program effectiveness through installation rates and resulting energy savings. Home Audits paint a picture of knowledge gained through the program. The higher the device installation rates the better the probability for the program’s availability next year.
There is a limited number of kits available for each school year. If you are interested in participating, enroll now.
There is no cost to you, your students or your school district to participate in the M.O.R.E. High School Program. Franklin Energy develops and implements the M.O.R.E. High School Program on behalf of utility companies nationwide. To learn more about Franklin Energy, visit www.franklinenergy.com
There is not a maximum number of kits for each class, one kit will be provided for each student enrolled in your class. However, there are a limited number of kits for each school year. When this maximum number of kits has been reached, no more classrooms will be able to participate until the following school year.
Franklin Energy is the leader in Education, Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management program design. Our proven and effective implementation strategies provide the tools to form energy-literate households while generating immediate verified savings in energy and water use. For more information visit www.franklinenergy.com.
Due to the small amount of mercury a CFL contains, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends you take some simple precautions when cleaning up a broken CFL. Visit the Environmental Protection Agency for up-to-date instructions on how to properly dispose of a broken CFL. LED bulbs do not contain mercury but do contain a small amount of electronics. You can follow the same instructions provided by the EPA to clean up and dispose of broken LED bulbs.